General terms and conditions of sale

General terms and conditions of sale

General terms and conditions of sale

  1. All our sales, work, deliveries, and services are subject to the following conditions, which are an integral part of the contract. These conditions can only be waived in writing. They apply to the exclusion of any general terms on the customer’s documents, provided that these terms contradict the above.
  2. Any claim regarding the delivered goods must be made in writing within seven days of receipt of the goods, under penalty of inadmissibility.
  3. Delivery deadlines are not binding for the seller. Any usual delivery delays can never constitute a valid reason for the buyer to cancel the sale, reduce the price, or claim damages.
  4. Our invoices are always payable in Wevelgem, net, without discount, and payment is due upon delivery unless otherwise agreed in writing.
  5. Any invoice not paid by the due date will automatically accrue an interest of 18% per year without prior notice, until full payment is made.
  6. In the event of non-payment, either partial or total, of any invoice by the due date, without a valid reason, the outstanding balance will be increased by a lump-sum indemnity of 15%, with a minimum of €125.00 and a maximum of €2,500.00 – even if grace periods are granted.
  7. The goods remain the property of the seller until full payment has been made by the buyer.
  8. The seller can in no case be held liable for difficulties that may arise during or at the time of delivery due to strikes, weather conditions, government measures, or any force majeure events.
  9. All our agreements are governed by Belgian law. Any disputes between the parties and requests for payment fall, unless otherwise stated by us, under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Kortrijk.

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